Thursday, June 23, 2011

Who, What, When, Where and Why?

     Just to keep myself in check, and because one sees better in retrospect,  I will stay a little behind real time in my story.  This way no one gets their feelings hurt in the heat of the moment.  Also, like any
good TV show or "reality show" the end has already been filmed long before you or I know the
outcome!  In this case I'll know;  But you'll have to wait and see, like your favorite soap opera!
     I probably need to give you a little more background info leading up to doomsday...
Starting from early in the year I had been under a lot of stress at work.  Everyone was on my ass and
I had a lot to prove;  Which I later did, but it wasn't easy.  At home, I thought everything was ok. 
Everything seemed pretty normal.  What I didn't know was that my husband was becoming emotionally
involved with someone else!  Yep, you heard me right!  I had sat night after night listening to his BS
about work, hours and hours about martial arts and God knows what else.  Then I noticed he wasn't listening to me though.  Then I really got a clue when he stopped calling me on his lunch break, but
would call me or text me right after!  At home he was so nice!  He would bring me coffee, make me
breakfeast, cut me roses from our garden, etc.  I was so confused...My husband was acting like a
"Stepford" husband!  Now I'm sure yor're wondering that all important question, "were we still having sex?" , and the answer is Yes;  But it was somewhat disconnectesd and not as frequent.
     Finally, over a game of Scrabble, I asked him about "her".  He told me everything, like a weight off his shoulders... I felt dead inside, like a zombie, I couldn't even cry...I had devoted my life to him, and
on that day he killed my love for him...:(

1 comment:

  1. The way you tell this story is rather interesting. You're very artful in the way that you lay out the details.
